Griffith agricultural business named as finalists for prestigious award

Griffith’s Mandolé Orchard has been named as a finalist in the most prestigious competition of the Sydney Royal Wine, Beer & Cider, Distilled Spirits, Cheese & Dairy Produce, and Fine Food Shows.

The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW President’s Medal recognises and rewards Australia’s best producers, who are recognised for the overall integrity of their production practices. The medal is awarded to those who not only bring a product to market but also ensure the sustainability and prosperity of the future of Australian agriculture.

The judging criteria are governed by a triple bottom line approach which examines the sustainability of environmental, economic and social-good management practices throughout the production cycle from farm gate to plate.

The Mandolé Orchard is a sustainable family farm established in 2004 in Griffith, committed to growing and producing high quality Australian almonds and almond-based products.

Eight finalists are competing for the 18th Annual President’s Medal. The medal winner will be announced at the Sydney Royal Easter Show on 16 April 2025.

Sara Johnston