Riverina Development Officer (RDO) Network Forums

RDA-Riverina hosts three Riverina Development Officer (RDO) Network Forums each year, bringing together development officers from across the Riverina region.

Development Officer is a broad term and can include attendees such as community & economic development officers from local government, government departments and agencies, business/industry representatives (arts, culture, tourism, health, education, environment), regional organisations, NGO's and community members.

The Forums provide an opportunity for these groups and organisations to promote programs, services and funding. There is always a presentation from a Council representative highlighting activities within that particular Local Government Area where the forum is being hosted. The forums also showcase community projects and provide time for networking, collaboration and a partnership approach to addressing the opportunities and challenges facing the communities across the region.

Please see the Upcoming Events page to see the agendas & presentations from previous RDO Network Forums.

West Wyalong Presentations:

- Agenda
- Framework for Regional Development
- Deloittes: Purpose of Place
- CSIRO SME Connect
- Majors Mulch

Contact for inquiries: RDA Riverina Project Officer, Marg Couch

Cristy Houghton