The sessions outline initiatives for your community to maximise the benefits of Inland Rail.
About this Event
The sessions will:
Present on 'Are you ready for Inland Rail?', promoting a discussion, led by representatives from the Regional Australia Institute, around the region's competitive advantage, including its key strengths, weaknesses and the potential opportunities arising from Inland Rail.
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development (the Department), will cover all aspects of the Australian Government's Inland Rail Interface Improvement Program (the II Program). The $44 million II Program will support feasibility and business case studies in two areas: productivity enhancements related to rail-based supply chains, and improvements to capacity on key country rail lines along the Inland Rail corridor.
Together, these presentations will assist local communities, industry and government to reflect local social and economic characteristics when identifying potential project proposals for the II Program. The session will also outline the expression of interest process for submitting project proposals for the II Program and the selection criteria for determining eligibility.
The Department welcomes attendance from community, local and state governments, including regional organisations of councils, industry organisations, supply chain managers, Regional Development Australia committees, traditional landowner representatives, Chambers of Commerce, local businesses, producers and freight and train operators.
Additional information
Registration will commence at 10:30am with a starting time of 11:00am.
Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.
Lunch will be provided on the day, please include any dietary requirements in your RSVP.