STEM 2020: Strategies for a Rapidly Changing World Conferences
Learn from some of the World’s Leaders in Education
This event has been postponed until further notice
The NSW Department of Education, Learning and Teaching Directorate are excited to welcome a host of world-renowned academics, educational experts and researchers as part of STEM 2020.
Simultaneous Conferences – Open to all schools
The STEM 2020 event involves simultaneous conferences located in a number of locations in regional Australia, venues include;
Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley
Sails Resort Port Macquarie
Charles Sturt University Bathurst campus
Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga campus
* Crowne Plaza Hunter event includes Deep Dive sessions on Day 2 Tuesday April 28th 2020 and has a Gala Dinner on the Monday night.
Exclusive Live Streaming Event – NSW Department of Education Staff Only
Delivered during Staff Development Day Term II, STEM 2020 provides a unique opportunity for schools to deliver high quality professional learning. The exclusive live streaming event means that any NSW Department of Education School can get involved.
Learn from some of the World’s Leaders in Education
The Hunter venue will include presentations from;
Sir Ken Robinson (Exclusive Event Video)
Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith
Dr Alan Finkel AO
Hon Sarah Mitchell, MLC
Mark Scott AO (Special Video Presentation)
The conference at Port Macquarie, Wagga Wagga and Bathurst will pick up the live broadcast and will have their own outstanding keynote speakers, including;
Dr Karl Kruszelnicki – Port Macquarie
Eddie Woo (TBC) – Bathurst
Adrian Piccoli – Wagga Wagga
50 Rural and Regional Scholarships Available – NSW Department of Education Staff Only
The NSW Department of Education is providing 50 scholarships for rural and regional teachers in NSW public schools.
To find out more:
Expression of Interest
For More Information