Transforming the way ag industries think about irrigation: Growers learning from growers, Industry learning from industry
Session 1 - Navigating a modern water environment
Gain a deeper understanding of the modern water environment, what has changed? What are the implications for ag industries in terms of water availability and prices moving forward? How can growers/industries develop sustainable, profitable businesses based on this water environment?
Session 2 - Improving and Adapting Irrigation Systems
Irrigation system and technologies are changing, providing growers with more options for effectively using water effectively on farm to maximise production and minimise losses. Hear from the experts about the latest advances and information on different irrigation systems.
Session 3 – Systems thinking - effectively integrating enterprises
Irrigation farms are complex systems that often include a range of enterprises, that add value and opportunities for diversifying income. Whether it be fodder or forage for export or another industry such as dairy, sheep or cattle challenge your thinking about how to manage this effectively to maximise returns from water.
Session 4 – Future Opportunities and Challenges
With change comes opportunity, this session explores opportunities and challenges for irrigated ag industries in the future.
$70 ICC members
$80 General
Includes, notes, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
Networking drinks from 5 - 6pm - drinks at bar prices