Hear directly from the Minister and the senior most stakeholders working toward Australia’s $20bn plan to deliver cleaner, cheaper and more secure energy.
Having renewed Australia’s global commitments to decarbonising the economy, the Federal Government’s Rewiring the Nation (RTN) is designed to enable new electricity transmission links between states and regions, lift renewable energy generation, create jobs in new energy industries and deliver cleaner, cheaper and more secure energy.
It provides low-cost finance to upgrade, expand and modernise Australia’s electricity grid by delivering key projects across the nation, including those identified in AEMO’s Integrated System Plan. Landmark projects being considered include Marinus Link, VNI West and the connection of NSW renewable energy zones and Snowy 2.0 to the grid.
Join this CEDA livestream to understand the plan and priorities in place and what they mean for the ongoing energy transition, our industries and our communities.
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