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Business Connect Webinar | How to performance manage

As a business owner employing staff you are entitled to have an expected level of productive output. When things are going well owning a business and leading your team can bring a lot of joy.

Seeing staff members grow in their roles, achieve goals, and work collaboratively is rewarding and motivating. However, from time to time, team members might show signs of under-performance. As a business owner and manager it is important to intervene quickly to get your direct report back on track through performance management.

This webinar sets out the key steps for performance management, including how to identify signs of under-performance, how to implement a plan to improve and monitor performance within a manageable time frame, and how to take reasonable disciplinary action should your team member fail to turn things around.

1. Learn how to identify the signs of under-performance
2. Understand how to implement a plan to improve performance
3. Learn how to monitor performance and provide feedback

1. Maximise productive output by learning how to identify the signs of under-performance and take time to fully understand the issue/s before taking action
2. Improve performance by understanding how to provide a performance management plan, including how to provide feedback and actions needed
3. Boost your confidence as a business owner by knowing how to initiate disciplinary actions when required