2018 RDA Riverina Snapshot

I hope that you are all able to slow down a little over the Christmas break and enjoy some time with friends and family.

I understand the pressures associated with this as our region is booming and the opportunities are great.


In 2018, RDA Riverina have put our efforts to places where we have seen the greatest need:

1. Workforce Development - Our region needs skilled workers.  Our numbers show there is a need for up to 10,000 more people in the Riverina in the next 2-3 years and that doesn't count Snowy Hydro 2.0's anticipated demand.

We've done this through Grow Our Own, Country Change and Skilled Migration.

We have also worked on assisting all these avenues with the free jobsite for employers and employees Jobs Riverina.

These programs have challenges, but I am confident that more opportunities will arise and we are making a difference. 

2. Data and information - RDA Riverina started the year with releasing our RDA Riverina Regional Profile .This is just the beginning, we can provide you with information that fits your business or organisation's needs.  Check out Professional Services page to learn more about our Economic and Event Impact analysis and other services we can provide.


We've also worked to assist others including Thrive Riverina, Taste Riverina and local councils with Tourism projects and we are especially excited to be working with Destination Riverina Murray to run a Tourism Accelerator program in the New Year.  Our goal is to create a strong, confident and vibrant region and to work across all levels of government to increase economic development opportunities.  If we can help you, please ask us.


By January we hope to have our new Chair announced.  We thank our Chairs for 2018, Miriam Dayhew and our current Acting Chair Kerry Penton for their commitment and hard work.  We are very pleased to have recently announced our new committee and to have had a farewell and thank you dinner for our retiring committee members. 

Meet the new committee.

We are sad to be farewelling our fantastic Research Officer Elliot Lee.  Elliot came to us as a Mathematics graduate from the University of Newcastle last 2017.  The work he has done for us and our partners is fabulous and we wish him all the best as he pursues his dream of teaching maths at the Riverina Anglican College in 2019.  We are currently searching for a new Research Officer.  Please click here for more information.

Thank you to all friends and stakeholders for your collaboration in facilitating regional growth and prosperity in the Riverina. It has been a pleasure working with you in 2018 and we look forward to a prosperous new year in 2019. Remember to think local when you plan your gifts, food and beverages this festive season. The Taste Riverina options are endless.


Best wishes from Rachel, Marg, Faye, Elliot and the RDA Rivera Committee.

Marg Couch