Transgrid - Energy Connect Project Update

EnergyConnect is an energy infrastructure project that will lower power bills for homes and businesses and create 1500 jobs, primarily across regional NSW.

The project is a key element of the Australian Energy Market Operator's Integrated System Plan. As a result, the NSW Government has declared it Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI).

EnergyConnect includes a new 900km electricity transmission line, known as an interconnector, that will connect power grids across three Australian states, driving competition in the wholesale electricity market.

The interconnector is being built between Wagga Wagga in New South Wales and Robertstown in South Australia, with a connection to Red Cliffs in Victoria.

Transgrid is partnering with ElectraNet to deliver EnergyConnect, with Transgrid building the NSW section.

Project benefits

  • Lower bills: NSW households will save $180 million a year on power bills.

  • New jobs and opportunities: EnergyConnect will create 1500 new jobs and opportunities for a wide range of businesses.

  • Economic growth: The project will generate $4 billion in economic benefit - much of it in regional NSW.

  • A cleaner future: EnergyConnect will help connect more solar and wind generation to help reduce carbon emissions.

Why is the project needed?

The Australian energy landscape is transitioning to a greater mix of low-emission renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar.

Several factors are driving this transition, including:

  • access to new generation sources as coal-fired plants close

  • government commitments to reduce carbon emissions

  • the potential for renewable generation to lower energy prices

  • demand for a more reliable energy supply.

At the same time, consumers are demanding lower power bills and more secure and reliable service.

EnergyConnect will deliver the infrastructure required to support this evolution by connecting the energy grids of NSW, SA and Victoria. These connections will expand the wholesale electricity market across the three states, meaning increased reliability and security of electricity supply and lower power bills.

Operating at total capacity, EnergyConnect will be capable of supplying 8.5 per cent of the total average maximum daily demand in NSW.

Latest update 

NSW Eastern-Section

Transgrid have lodged an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the NSW-Eastern Section of EnergyConnect with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).

DPE has placed the EIS on public exhibition until 15 February 2022.  

To support the exhibition, Transgrid will be hosting community information sessions along the Eastern Section, from 31 January to 11 February 2022.

In addition, they have developed an interactive EIS map and a community guide to support community engagement.

We encourage you to have your say by making a submission to DPE.

Sara Johnston