CWA Sconversations | Join Us For A Sconversation On Rural Mental Health

CWA Uranquinty Evening is hosting a Sconversation on Rural Mental Health on Friday 18 February 2022 at the CSU Riverina Playhouse in Wagga Wagga. 

A Q&A-style forum with an expert panel, Sconversation, aims to generate conversation and build a community of support and action around mental health – one of the most important issues affecting our regional and rural communities. Excitingly, it will also be delivered on an interactive livestream platform to allow the conversation to reach into rural and remote communities throughout Australia.

The event is being supported by Charles Sturt University, Riverina Bluebell, Wagga Wagga City Council, Regional Development Australia - Riverina and Women in Business Wagga Wagga All proceeds will be donated to Rural Outreach Counselling and Wagga Wagga Women's Health Centre. 

The Sconversation panel includes:

  • The Hon. Bronnie Taylor MLC
    Minister for Women, Regional Health and Mental Health

  • Danica Leys
    CEO, CWA of NSW

  • Derek Schoen
    Director, Beyond Blue

  • Leanne Sanders
    CEO, Visual Dreaming

  • Jenivy Sewak
    Community Health Promotion Officer, ACON

Research Officer