Next steps to beat plastic pollution in NSW

Media Release from the NSW Minister for Environment and Heritage

MEDIA RELEASE | 29 October 2023

The NSW Government is ramping up efforts to tackle plastic pollution by inviting the public to have its say on helping to prevent 800,000 tonnes of plastic waste produced each year from causing harm to the environment and human health.

Industry, businesses and the community are encouraged to share their feedback on the ‘NSW Plastics: Next Steps’ discussion paper as we move to reduce plastic litter by 30% by 2025, curb the impact of microplastics and align with other states and territories. 

Plastics are an important part of many products we rely on, but not all plastics are essential. Often, they are produced in unsustainable ways to be used only once and then discarded.

Only 12% of plastic waste is recycled and once thrown away, these products don’t disappear. Instead, they pollute the environment, harm wildlife, pose a risk to human health and contribute to climate change.

‘NSW Plastics: Next Steps’ identifies and addresses items and materials that:

  • are frequently littered or release microplastics into the environmentNSW

  • contain harmful chemical additives

  • are regulated or proposed to be in other states and territories.

Items containing plastic such as lollipop sticks, cigarette butts, bread tags and heavyweight plastic shopping bags are some of the problematic products that could be redesigned or phased out.

Consultation is open for 14 weeks from 29 October 2023 to 4 February 2024.

To participate in the future of plastics, visit NSW Environment Protection Authoritylaunch

All feedback will inform further actions to tackle problematic and unnecessary plastics.

Sara Johnston