Careers in Agriculture

RDA Riverina has developed a series of videos which promote the diversity in Agricultural careers.

Agronomist and Fish Farmer Matt Ryan

Ag Science Student Eliza Star

Communications Liz Stott


Chef Luke Kerlin

The Rural Career Guide- A new and comprehensive industry resource-
19 May 2014

Rural Skills Australia announces the launch of the new web-based Rural Career Guide, designed to consolidate and advance the breadth of available information about the prospects for a fulfilling career in one of dozens of Australia’s flourishing rural industries.  “The Rural Career Guide is a comprehensive new product and it has far wider scope and reach than anything previously produced in Australia.”

The guide covers career pathways in some 40 separate rural industries, from mainstream agricultural industries like beef, sheep and grain production to horticulture, land management and animal care and management.  It also highlights the many related rural careers, in thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing, aquaculture, environment and conservation and forest and wood products.  The Rural Career Guide is a result of considerable research over several years and has been produced with support from the Australian Governments’ Australian Apprenticeships Advisers program. 

Cristy Houghton