Food I am Receives Government Funding

Wagga Wagga based agri-tourism enterprise Food I Am was announced as a recipient of the Australian Government Tourism Industry Regional Development Fund (TIRF) Grants funding in 2013.

The funding will allow Food I Am to construct the Food I Am Headquarters in Wagga Wagga, providing facilities for hands-on classes, demonstrations and meeting rooms. Modern contemporary facilities will be built to assist in the enterprises aims of supporting regional producers and providing quality food experiences.

As part of the TIRF Grants application, RDA-Riverina provided Food I Am with a letter of support. The aims of the grants were to boost the quality of tourism visitor experiences in regional areas and Food I Am demonstrated this on a number of levels. RDA-Riverina is a strong supporter of innovative projects and initiatives in the region and encourages organisations to apply for grant programs which may assist in achieving this.  

Learn more about what Food I Am has to offer.

Cristy Houghton