Jonathon Medway (Senior Research Fellow Spatial Agriculture at Charles Sturt University), telling forum attendees about the work that is done at the Global Digital Farm.
Nicola James (Regional Manager South West NSW AusIndustry)
Ray Willis (General Manager of Riverina LLS)
Amanda Cappello (Operations Manager, Regional Development Australia Riverina)
RDA Riverina in partnership with AusIndustry and Charles Sturt University, AgriPark presented an update on economic development activities and trends across the Riverina at a recent Development Officer Forum in Wagga Wagga, last Thursday (30th November 2023).
The day began in the Riverina Local Land Services building, where attendees heard from Ray Willis (General Manager of Riverina LLS), Amanda Cappello (Operations Manager, Regional Development Australia Riverina), Rachel Whiting (CEO and Director of Regional Development at Regional Development Australia Riverina), Nicola James (Regional Manager South West NSW AusIndustry), Nick Pagett (Executive Director Charles Sturt - AgriPark), and Jim Hutchinson (Community and Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Transgrid). You can download and view each presentation below.
Following presentations, attendees relocated to the Global Digital Farm showcase room where Jonathan Medway (Senior Research Fellow Spatial Agriculture at Charles Sturt University) explained the integrated digital learning, innovation and research environment working within a full scale, commercial, mixed farm operation. Attendees were then invited to experience a Meat Tasting held by the Red Meat Innovation Centre, followed by lunch and a roundtable.
It was a great day which we hope was enjoyed by all who attended. Thank you to our partners Nicola James and AusIndustry, Charles Sturt - AgriPark, and Transgrid. Thank you to our Board members and staff who attended, with special thanks going out to Amanda Cappello who did an exceptional job of organising a big day!
Rachel Whiting (CEO and Director of Regional Development at Regional Development Australia Riverina)
Jim Hutchinson (Community and Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Transgrid)
Jayadev Ajayakumar (NSW GROW Riverina Backbone Coordinator, Regional Development Australia Riverina) and Sara Johnston (Communications Coordinator, Regional Development Australia Riverina)